Installing Bluebird Boxes for Vineyard Pest Control

Ron Rosenbrand, Director of Vineyard Operation, is a big fan of Western Bluebirds.


Ron Rosenbrand of Spring Mountain Vineyard and Dr. Julie Jedlicka from Missouri Western State University.

Ron Rosenbrand, Director of Vineyard Operation, is a big fan of Western Bluebirds. He says, “I love that we are helping protect them [with nest boxes] and encouraging their ability to help us.”.

Watch video on bluebirds and vineyard pest control.

Ron has installed more than 800 Western Bluebird nest boxes on Spring Mountain Vineyard’s 225 acres of vines. They are attracting Western Bluebirds to help control the Blue-green Sharpshooter population, a common vector for the devastating Pierce’s disease.

Over the years of managing these boxes Ron has seen a dramatic drop, and even elimination in some areas, of the Sharpshooter population.

Dr. Julie Jedlicka's research at Spring Mountain Vineyard and surrounding areas looked at how nest boxes increased Western Bluebird populations and if those birds were providing a significant pest control service.

Her findings confirmed that Western Bluebirds were eating a significant amount of pests, and a leafhopper closely related to the Blue-green Sharpshooter, indicating that the birds would very likely be important predators for this pest insect.

Learn more about Ron Rosenbrand and Spring Mountain Vineyard

You can watch our other videos and learn more on WFA's Beneficial Birds Multimedia Story Platform.

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If you are interested in installing bird boxes and would like assistance, please contact us!

Visit WFA's One Million Nest Boxes and Perches Program
