Watch: Virtual Field Day - Davis Ranches

Join Emily Reinhart of Davis Ranches along with avian ecologists and researchers in the virtual field for a discussion on practices that support beneficial birds and manage pest birds.

flyways wildways


About Davis Ranches Davis Ranches has designed and installed several miles of hedgerows as corridors to allow safe passage and refuge for birds and other wildlife. By placing the habitat close to the crops, these corridors support pest control by birds. 

They are located in Colusa, CA and their mantra and guiding principle is "Farming for the 22nd Century" with the intention of leaving a legacy of farming for generations to come. They recognize that "today, more so than ever, farming sustainably and responsibly is more than just a cliche or catch-phrase, it's a way of life. It reflects a conscious decision to pass on a legacy of farming to our children that can be continued for many centuries to come."

The principles they strive to meet, continually improve the ranches every day:  "No shortcuts, leave the land better than you found it and pass on something that you can be proud of." Their extensive hedgerows are a testament to this land ethic!

Watch the full webinar