WFA Remembers Paul Dolan

by Dan Imhoff, WFA Board President

Paul Dolan - Portrait taken in 2022 by Quincey Imhoff

Wild Farm Alliance board member Paul Dolan passed away on June 26 after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was 73 years old. Paul was a lifelong champion of organic, biodynamic and conservation-based grape growing and wine making. His influence was far-reaching. As winemaker and eventually president of Fetzer Vineyards, he demonstrated in the early 1990s that organically certified grape production could be accomplished at a large scale. He brought his pioneering approach combining successful business with committed stewardship to his subsequent projects with Dark Horse, Parducci and Truett-Hurst wineries. In recent years Paul joined the board of the Regenerative Organic Alliance, a certification initiative that goes beyond USDA Organic requirements to focus more on soil health, animal welfare and fair treatment of workers. Paul’s quiet but steady presence and ready smile during his two terms on the WFA board greatly enhanced our discussions and oversight.