Aptos, CA 95003
Join Luz De Valle and Wild Farm Alliance (WFA) for a field day highlighting various beneficial species and other cultural practices to effectively manage pests in apples.
Two CE credits are being offered for this event through California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Information and signup will be available at event.
8:30 am - 9:00 am – Registration with Snacks & Coffee
9:00 am – Start Time
Topics to be covered and speakers include:
Beneficial Species at Luz del Valle Farm
Karell Reader of Luz del Valle Farm will discuss beneficial insects, bats, birds and snakes that help with pest control.
Natural Enemy Insect & Bird Pest Control of Codling Moths
Jo Ann Baumgartner, WFA, will share how parasitoid wasps and beneficial birds help reduce overwintering codling moth populations.
Habitat and Cultural Practices Reduces Pesticide Use
Terence Welch, Grower Consultant, will describe how increased beneficial arthropod habitat helps maintain effective pest management; when and how to use oil sprays for aphid control, scab resistant varieties and methods for reducing leafroller activity.
Lessons Learned with Organic Pest and Disease Control
Bill Denevan, recently retired advisor from Viva Tierra, will discuss his experiences with organic insect and disease control problems and solutions in new and established orchards within major apple growing areas of California, Washington and Chile.
Using Barn Owls as Rodent Pest Control
Rebecca Dmytryk, Humane Wildlife Control Inc., will discuss how to utilize Barn Owls to control rodent pests, including optimizing owl box dimensions and placement.
True cost for the field day is $22 per person, which includes lunch. Sliding scale payment options are available if you need to pay less or can help cover the cost of another farmer.