Program Coordinator

Brian is from Hanford, California, a community surrounded by industrial agriculture where canals are called creeks and reservoirs named lakes. The Sierra Nevada looms large to the East, if you can see it through the haze, and it served as their childhood playground and inspiration to become a biologist. Their educational path as a biologist all started at Humboldt State University where they completed a BS in Wildlife Conservation and Management, and a BA in Geography in 2012. Over the years they have worked from non-profits to private companies to state and federal agencies studying frogs, salamanders, salmonids, small mammals, mesocarnivores, ungulates, passerines, raptors, and waterfowl. They have spent many summers exploring the Sierra as a biological technician, trail crew leader, educator, backpacker, climber, mountain biker, and runner. Yet it is their roots in agriculture, working on a diversity of farms all over the world, that led them back to HSU, now Cal Poly Humboldt, to pursue a master's. Currently finishing a thesis assessing the ecosystem service of Aleutian cackling geese on livestock pastures, they work within the nexus connecting agriculture, human communities, and nature to help create a more wild and resilient future. 


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