How to Implement and Verify Biodiversity Conservation Activities in Organic Agricultural Systems

This webinar includes examples that suggest compliance, and minor and major issues related to the Guidance. It also features Assistant Professor John Quinn. Organic producers will learn how to implement conservation practices, and certification personnel will become skilled on how to observe and verify organic operation’s biodiversity conservation practices.

organic integrity general biodiversity


This webinar provides critical information on the new NOP Natural Resources and Biodiversity Conservation Guidance.

Organic operations must follow the National Organic Program’s (NOP) regulations. The NOP Natural Resources and Biodiversity Conservation Guidance, which interprets these regulations, helps organic producers and their certification personnel determine which conservation practices are appropriate. Biodiversity conservation in organic agriculture varies in a continuum from simple to complex stewardship practices.

In this webinar we will share effective strategies for farmers and certifiers on how to ensure organic farms are in compliance. We will discuss USDA NRCS opportunities that support producers in their efforts to implement many of conservation practices. We will also share examples that suggest compliance, and minor and major issues related to the Guidance.

Watch the full webinar