Video - What is Wild Farming?

Bringing Nature Back to the Farm Video

flyways wildways waterways general biodiversity

Meadowlark singing "What is wild farming?"

In order to create strong, resilient agricultural systems that protect and restore natural habitats, wild farming practices need to be widely adopted.

But what are wild farming practices and what does it look like on the ground?

In this video, WFA breaks it down and describes four principles of wild farming that will bring nature back to our farms.

Watch video about Bringing Nature Back to the Farm.

The preservation of biodiversity, the protection of soil and water, the resilience of our agriculture systems and the reversal of climate change all depend on our ability to adopt these principles.

Learn more about the four principles here and join us to inform, inspire and catalyze a bold stewardship ethic among a new generation of farmers, land stewards and food advocates.

Please join us to bring wild nature back to farms and ranches.

For the wild,